Windows 10 X64 Pro Office 21H2 DEC {Gen2} incl 2021 2021 pt-BR Magnet Download

Windows 10 X64 Pro 21H2 incl Office 2021 pt-BR DEC 2021 {Gen2} torrent
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Windows 10 X64 Pro 21H2 incl Office 2021 pt-BR MARCH 2022 Version 21H2 Build 190441586 [ RELEASE INFO ] * File: 21H2OFF21PTBMAR2022iso * Size: 5, 3GB Format: ISO 35 * cbc and * MD5 : 20894735b65568e3336efa431176f2f5 * SHA-1: c97ba786d5d2487d4bb49136edda55dc063c9f30 [ CONTENTS ] Integrated / Pre-installed: * Office LTSC 2010: * StackPlus

1525 * CumulativeUpdate: * KB5011487 * NET Framework 35 * Cumulative Update for * NET Framework 35 and 48: * KB5010472 * LANGUAGE: BRAZILIAN [ EDITIONS INCLUDED ] * Windows 10 Pro * Office 2021 ProPlus * Activator: KMS_VL_ALL [ FEATURES ] * UEFI-ready * (Use attached Rufus USB-tool to make UEFI-Boot Tools) * Diagnostic Diagnostics and Diagnostic Toolset bootwim only) * installwim compressed to recovery format (installesd) [ SCREENSHOTS ] [url] [ INSTALLATION & INFORMATION ] * Create bootable USB (highly recommended) with Rufus, * (attached) or burn to DVD-DL at slow speed

[ CREDIT ] * abbodi1406, Author of Activation Script * Hope you will enjoy this release!

* Regards, * Generation2

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Fundada em 2021 e sediada em São Roque, SP, a ZTECH é pioneira na fabricação de soluções sustentáveis e de alta performance para a construção civil.

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